A generative approach to community & organizational change that is designed to be life-giving

I believe in supporting “Human first projects” or organizations, valuing people’s experience of work as much as the end result of that work. I help build collective vision, alignment, capacity and shift culture to not only continue to improve ‘what is’ but to make leaps to ‘what’s possible’.


For early-stage organizations, I help you root into a more generative rhythms with more clarity, joy and impact.

  • Vision, mission and value alignment workshop

  • Fixed and emergent strategy development: Delivered to your leadership, founding team or board, I work with you to design and pioneer aligned clear direction in complex ecosystems and dynamics, creating multi-step fixed and emergent strategies with experiments on how to get to your desired outcome,

  • Thought Partnership: Fleshing out your most pressing and innovative ideas, clarifying insights and analysis, research and integration of new thought leadership models, concepts and market trends.

  • Early-stage Organizational Development: Running diagnosis on the health and functions of your organization and strategically minimizing leaks and implementing solutions: Organizational culture & vision, operations, governance, leadership, partnerships, structures, programmatic/service areas.

  • Organizational Development with leadership coaching embedded: I coach multiple leaders within an organization to help each with their personal leadership development and goals as well as synergizing and synching to reach meta organizational goals.

My organizational development process:

I’m hooked on the early-stage of organizations' growth: that exhilarating messy-time filled with possibilities, creativity and vision. Together, we will journey through the following process to land on more clarity, alignment and expansion.

  1. Discovery & diagnostic: Through a discovery process of interviews and exploration with all of your key stakeholders, I help you clarify and gain insights on the organizational health and unhealth. We survey the unique capabilities and the elephants in the room, for a more impactful culture, governance, leadership, partnerships, structures and programmatic functions.

  2. Reimagine and Strategy: Based on the discovery process, I work with you to craft strategy that clarifies vision, aligns with your values, goals and strengthens practices, and supports your culture.

  3. Design of execution: Together, we create clear direction and multi-step interventions on how to get to your desired outcome. This includes both the big and small steps needed to create change.

Need support with vision, strategy, organizational change or leadership growth?

Get in touch.

I would love to hear about what you’re currently facing, and see how I could help.

Let's create together


Let's create together

Let's create together ✴︎ Let's create together