Feeling Stuck?

Overwhelmed? Unclear?

Unleash your brilliance:

Clarify, align & amplify your voice, work & leadership

Hi I’m Alex! An alignment & Leadership Coach for creative professionals.

Are you a creative leader with a bold vision, ready to reclaim your power, confidence, and deepest desires to take aligned action? It’s time for you—and your communities—to flourish.


If you're standing at a crossroads in your leadership, career, or life journey—seeking clarity, navigating a new role, setting goals, balancing priorities, breaking old patterns, or facing a significant decision or wanting to change—you’re in the right place.

You sense untapped potential within your leadership but feel unsure how to access it to reach the next stage.

Or maybe you’re tired of playing small and repeating the same cycles.

Something might be holding you back, but you don’t know what.

Maybe you know exactly what you need, but recognize that “figuring it out” alone is no longer working.

Here's how I can support you:

We are complex beings, often in need of holistic support! I draw on a diverse tool set and blend of coaching disciplines to meet you where you are in your process of discovery, providing the holistic guidance you need to move forward.

Whether you're battling self-doubt, procrastination, or juggling business, personal, and creative pursuits, I’m here to help. Because business is personal.

I guide you to reclaim your most authentic, brave, amplified voice, set meaningful goals, take consistent action, and establish foundations that align with your unique season in life, values, style, and vision.

Together, we'll unlock your brilliance and propel you to the next stage of success—defined by you, on your own terms.

How I support you to play bigger:

  • Reclaim Your Confidence & Elevate Leadership: Stand anchored in your wants, needs, vision, and values. Navigate negotiations, conflict, and difficult conversations with confidence, trusting your decision-making in leadership, relationships, and personal or creative pursuits.

  • Clarify & Achieve Goals with Accountability: Gain clarity on meaningful goals, even when faced with fear or uncertainty. Boost productivity and align habits with your well-being to reach those goals.

  • Boost Motivation & Optimize Time & Energy: Prioritize effectively, master time and energy management, and reignite motivation for optimal performance in your leadership journey.

  • Set Boundaries for Life Balance: Safeguard what matters most to you by learning the art of setting boundaries. Achieve a harmonious balance between your personal and professional life.

  • Amplify Influence & Visibility: Embrace your authentic voice, thought leadership, and communication style. Elevate your visibility and impact in your professional sphere.

  • Unleash Your Creativity: Develop creative practices, unlock your inner artist, and nurture the creative projects that light you up.

  • Build your Resilience - Embrace your genius zone, resilience building practices in the face of uncertainty or fear, self-compassion, self-forgiveness, navigating uncertainty, learning from setbacks, regret and failure, fostering vision for the future.

Let’s build a home within yourself, with a resilient foundation for your most aligned life and work.

See more on my process & the 10 session Catalyst Coaching package here.

My multi-passionate & interdisciplinary path:

I believe everything is connected. All the parts of your life matter and impact each other. I’m here to support your whole self and life.

My approach is shaped by over a decade in leadership, creative & startup experiences, while integrating life coaching & embodiment for a holistic framework.

From studying performing arts & politics to living in Africa for years with nonprofits, founding a social justice art venture, working in entrepreneurship, philanthropy & leadership consulting, and being trained in coaching …

I’ve got a big toolbox for you!

I always tailor to what you need.

I’m currently an ICF certified Embodiment Leadership & Life Coach - while also consulting with start ups, and in process with my own storytelling, creativity, and obsessed with ancient wisdom & ways to be connected to ourselves, each other & earth.

Let’s talk about who you’re longing to be, & what you want to unleash!

What clients are saying…

Fellow creative founders, leaders & edgewalkers!

"Alex consistently delivered tangible results and valuable insights for both my leadership & personal life. I came to her at a very important juncture in my work and life and it seemed like the right time to call upon extra support.

With her I gained clarity around my goals, a stronger sense of self in work, more confidence to make decisions. I was stepping into a new role as a leader, and have burned out in the past, and I was keen to build good practices and muscle memory so that the next few years become easier/clearer/more sustainable. Launching a new business gave me a chance to reset and re-create.

At the same time - I was feeling super called to practice my writing and build time in my schedule to really honor my creative side.

The combination of Alex’s mind-body coaching was so helpful, especially after doing therapy, business coaching & body work in the past, I loved how she was able to strike a balance between them - and connect the dots between me, my work & my creative writing pursuits. 

Her guidance has been instrumental in helping me navigate difficult conversations and negotiations (where I got what I wanted!), claim my voice as a thought leader & entrepreneur, and execute an impactful team retreat- showing up to lead authentically (with many of Alex’s tools!) While also starting to honor myself as a writer.

I learned to claim more of my own needs, set boundaries for work-life balance that has now become more of a muscle memory, which to my surprise, has led to my leadership and relationships flourishing. My company has even adopted my personal values that I created with Alex! I highly recommend her to any woman looking to speak up, create or lead more effectively and aligned with their true desires"

Isabelle, Co-Founder & Writer

“Alex played a pivotal role in manifesting a significant PR triumph for me published on Entrepreneur.com. We did visioning and dreaming sessions alongside getting into the daily nitty gritty stuck points of my business and leadership process. We delved into refining my sales process, overcoming roadblocks in outreach, and creating space for aligning my emotional reality.

I claimed my vision and values out loud with Alex. She demonstrated a great balance of practicality, providing templates for various aspects, as well as an empathetic, attentive ear. A notable breakthrough occurred in my sales process, a facet where I had previously felt stuck.

During our coaching journey, I had an unexpected twist in my personal life that significantly impacted my business plans. Nevertheless, navigating this period with Alex, who understands and caters to the multifaceted nature of women leaders, especially mothers, proved immensely valuable.

I now sense the emergence of my voice and leadership style as an independent business owner while still enjoying being a creative and dancer. Alex has empowered me to be a kinder boss to myself and claim my power as a leader on my own terms, granting permission to discover what truly works for me. I sing her praises to other solopreneurs and creatives all the time!”

Danielle - Founder & Ballet Dancer

“Alex was a genius at listening deeply, pulling out the important threads she was hearing, asking the right clarifying questions, and mirroring back what she was seeing with so much - expertise, respect and passion for me, the process and subject matter. Her process has shaped my leadership and our organization and working relationships in every way, a true reboot.”

Valerie - Executive & Healer

Alex's orientation honors the reality that organizations and projects are made up of humans. She brought about an unexpected transformation for me, as a leader and a writer, which in turn impacted my organization and my message in powerful ways.

We were in a crisis of growth that Alex helped us determine was a natural phase, characterized by a conflict of leadership. She helped us to normalize our issues and honored everyone's perspectives. This is what we hired her to help us do.

But what emerged was much greater. She was able to help us ferret out some foundational issues in our org structure and core values and then stayed with me to help me find my way through a difficult passage, but ultimately extremely liberating solution.

She helped me reclaim my vision, values and partners I want to work with, that brought clarity to what alignment means and looks like for me. With Alex's support, I created a new organization as a sole founder for the very first time after having co-founders in the past.

We worked through being visible online, using my voice, while also navigating & building a new team and employees. She helped me ground myself and feel less overwhelmed while writing two books. She helps me prioritize my health and well-being, while learning to release what I cannot control.

I recommend Alex to women leaders who want to grow and learn from their own participation in an old system of patriarchy to find their own voices and step into their own power and build their creations or a life-giving organization."

Victoria, Founder & Author

With Alex you genuinely have a partner, co-creator energy, and hands on support & brains behind the challenging  process of growth in the early stage. She knows how to understand who you are authentically, and how to make it a part of what you love to do while finding joy along the way!

Alex helped me breakthrough to create new messaging and language for my new organization, and gain confidence to actually share it in a big way!

She helped me practically - creating a website for me, a concept note/ implementation plan. She goes beyond the norm, using tools like role play and embodiment exercises to boost confidence, helping me claim my authentic voice – I even fully embraced the 'huntress' energy in my work for the first time!

With Alex’s help, I initiated meetings with government and stakeholders to share my vision, and applied for an ambitious grant. Even when the grant didn't materialize, Alex supported me through the disappointment, leaving me more resilient and I’ve already made a new plan, and taking risks in pursuit of my vision.

As a mother of two, I also appreciate that she understands and takes my whole life into account and holistic alignment! We balance a mix of flow and structure. She's not just a coach; she's a dynamic collaborator in the journey of your desires for you and your community's abundance.”

Lisa, Founder & Community leader

“Alex is an incredible coach with a spiritual foundation that helped me navigate my real world challenges.

She’s helped me make a huge career pivot by uncovering my fears and limiting beliefs- some of which were buried deep in my subconscious! She uses embodiment tools like EFT tapping, meditation, visualizations and role play as well as powerful coaching questions to help you achieve your goals and support you through times of transition.

Because of her background in start ups & consulting, she’s also been a great resource for me starting this new creative endeavor & business. Highly recommend if you’re looking for support!”

Ali, Founder, creative & Actor

“When I started working with Alex, I was overwhelmed, overworked, unhappy in my job and feeling desperate for change but completely conflicted as to how to go about it. I was working full-time at a PR agency, struggling with work/life balance, and all I wanted was to move closer to my dream of being a full-time writer and actress, but I felt totally daunted and alone in the heaviness of that task. I'd done so much work to make healthy shifts in my life, but with so many priorities competing with each other in my head, I knew I needed help.

I needed to find someone who could not only encourage and affirm me for the work I'd done so far, but who could help untangle the knots of to-do's and priorities and fears in my head to help me set a clear path for myself. 

Our work together involved getting to the root of my limiting beliefs, learning how to communicate healthy boundaries with my employer, practicing somatic grounding work like tapping, affirmations and other nervous-system regulation tools that would help me get through the hard days.

With Alex's support and guidance, I identified weekly goals and challenges for myself to prioritize my creative work, and I spent more time visualizing what a full-time creative career could look like. Alex helped me identify and redefine some of the internal narratives that were making me doubt myself or sabotage my dream, so that I could move forward with more bravery, if not completely unencumbered.

After 4 months of working together, I transitioned out of my full time job in a totally unexpected way, but the work I had done with Alex helped ground me to feeling self-trust and preparedness for this new season. Now I'm working full-time as a creator, and supplementing my income with freelance work in PR and communications. While I haven't yet begun earning income from my creative work, I am gaining momentum, contacts who believe in what I'm doing, and confidence in myself to become a professional artist. I see now that if I keep at the work I've been doing, it will only be a matter of time. I'm not floating/lost anymore. I feel more trust in the process of my life and creative work, and I'm learning how to listen to my body to make aligned choices and connections that feel right.

Alex's process is very intuitive, and her work in somatic tools can take a very fluid and surprising direction. For example, you might come in with a specific goal in mind but if there is any part of you that is stuck or resistant, Alex will be able to recognize that and help you work towards your goal in a different way that is more in tune with your emotional life and beliefs. It can make "progress" non-linear, but ultimately the outcome is more grounded and authentic.”

Erin, Freelancer, Actor & playwright


  • Coaching provides a supportive environment of holding space, to gain clarity, interrupt patterns, receive compassionate accountability and feedback to meet your goals.

    Most clients who have worked with me, share a much deeper impact. They have clarity and alignment of who they are, their values and purpose, they make decisions from an embodied calm and confident place, they’ve moved forward their creations/ organization to a healthier, more expanded or deeper place that they hoped for. They trust themselves, and are growing in a direction they’re energized about.

  • My experience in the traditional nonprofit and business sectors, combined with my training in embodiment coaching, and passion for heart-led intuitive innovation, makes me uniquely qualified to guide you in a growth process. I believe in equal parts heart and logic, dreaming and practicality. I honor both flow and structure, working from intuition and best practices.

    Uniquely, I bring a very large and creative toolbox from my constellation of training and career experience. My sources range from the traditional lens of entrepreneurship, organizational and leadership development to embodiment practices and somatic tools (the body- breathing/visualizations). I’ve also worked across three continents (and an international expat myself), and trained in a cultural conscious lens as well as trauma informed. I enjoy curating what is needed with each client to their interests and desires, and co-creating together the custom roadmap to your goals.

  • I always start where you are, discuss your preferences and what you’re comfortable with to design a custom experience that works for you.

    Currently I work with clients over a minimum of 3 months online or in person. We meet three times a month or bi-weekly. We will create a roadmap together towards your goals in our first session, and use a combination of coaching methodologies in the following sessions custom to your needs. This includes both cognitive (the mind), and somatic (the body- breathing/visualizations).

    For more about my process and tools, see “Coaching” Tab.

  • Embodiment coaching is a holistic approach to get you more connected to your body (to feel safer to follow your own path), and take aligned action so you and your work can flourish. It unleashes the magic between your mind, body & actions to boldly create from the core of who you are. Without sacrificing your wellbeing!

    Embodied coaching from my training is grounded in traditions from Eastern and Western philosophy, meditation, & martial arts. It also draws upon relevant work in psychology, linguistics, management theory, and bodywork. My coaching includes a big toolbox focusing on leadership through pathways of mindset work, embodiment (body-based or somatic), and aligned action.

  • I currently give 5 hours a month as probono coaching to those that qualify for being catalyst in their area of work and also from marginalized backgrounds. I also give monthly donations to 2 nonprofits.

  • Please see the “Coaching” tab for the full details in what’s included in this package.